Further Information

The HPI tool is in the third phase of development. We would welcome your feedback.

Please remember to reference the project if you use the data or charts from this site.

Indicators and data sources

The indicators used in the current visualisation tool come from a variety of sources. For information on the indicators and sub-indicators from which they are made, please click on the links below:

Root causes Regional prospects GVA
Change in job supply
Educational resourcing
Local Conditions Social Capital
Education quality
Household conditions Income
Human capital
Intervening Factors Resourcing to support health Local government resourcing
Preventative care resourcing
Healthy areas Recreation facilities
Effective preventative healthcare
Behaviours and environments Lifestyle
Home environments
Work & local environments
Situation of Health Resourcing for health & social care Health care resourcing
Social care resourcing
Appropriate Care Effective primary care
Access to secondary care
Access to social care
Quality of social care
Health status Psychological morbidity
Health capital
Physical morbidity
Premature mortality